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vendredi 22 mai 2015

Most beautiful beaches of Brazil

اجمل شواطئ البرازيل
Most beautiful beaches of Brazil
Brazil is the largest country in both South America and Latin America, the largest state in the world's fifth, both in terms of geographical area or population, one of the largest Portuguese-speaking countries in the world, and the only one in the Americas. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, where the stretching coastline with a length of 7491 km, and is bordered by all South American countries except Ecuador and Chile, where occupies 47.3% of the South American continent area, and occupies most of the area of ​​the Amazon basin on the river form tropical forest and wide, it is home to wildlife diverse, and a variety of ecosystems, vast natural resources, which extends in many protected areas, and this environmental heritage unique makes Brazil one of the 17 severe state variation, and is the subject of much international attention, paid to talk about deforestation and environmental protection.
best beaches in Brazil
Brazil is the largest country in South America and the fifth largest country in the world economy, and is famous for the sport of football and the annual Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, and Recife and Olinda, it is the country of the great diversity of the mosaic in crowded urban areas of Sao Paulo to the cultural energy that endless in Pernambuco and Bahia, and wildlife in the rainforest on a global level, and landmarks such as the Amazon River Iguaçu Falls, and there are a lot can be seen in Brazil.
Baia do Sancho, Fernando de Noronha
Brazilians have a ritual performed every New Year, where reside celebrations is very strong and believe they bring luck, they go to the coast, and dressed in white clothes, without any other color, and collecting flowers for delivery to the sea, which means they set flowers on the water and let it be float so washed power to any remote location, it's a white flower with green logs and green leaves in some cases, it is a custom that the flowers are white like their clothes, and there are two ways to do this: either put the leaves on a small fishing boat, or put separate papers on Water, rituals and Taatmhzh all enjoy the New Year with dancing, singing, eating, and this is one of the best times to enjoy.
Brazil Most Beautiful Beaches
Portuguese courses for foreigners is not widespread outside the big cities, but the best alternative is to befriend language lessons and students. If you come to Brazil, believing in the Portuguese preliminary concepts, you will see that people treat you a much better way, you will learn ways much easier through: language schools in El Salvador, and Sao Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro, and Belo Horizonte and Porto Alegre, where held sessions Portuguese for two weeks.
Most beautiful beaches of Brazil
If you speak English, you may be able to find a job as a teacher to teach English part-time, but do not expect that during the holidays, as the labor market is informal, and seems to be free of trouble at first, but there are risks too, The remuneration is not linked to a contract, so it will be difficult for you to claim the rights of workers, and there is also a risk that the authorities by rival school, which may processed to remove you. There is also a growing demand for Spanish language classes, so it should be one of the Spanish-speaking, and especially in the major cities, and in both cases.
Praia do Sancho, Fernando de Noronha
Tourism beaches in Brazil
Accept travelers who are looking forward to a unique experience to see the places of exotic beaches, where Brazil is the big facade fun, it is known as the largest country in South America to senior football players, and the presence of tropical rain forests, beautiful women, beautiful beaches, and those who travel to the beaches in Brazil also to enjoy the magic of music, dance and vibrant culture, excellent cuisine, and large festivals such as carnivals, here's a look at some beautiful beaches and beach towns to discover this tropical paradise.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil tourism destinations

best beaches in Brazil

Baia do Sancho, Fernando de Noronha

Brazil Most Beautiful Beaches
اجمل شواطئ البرازيل
Praia do Sancho, Fernando de Noronha
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil tourism destinations

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