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vendredi 22 mai 2015

Boujdour bride Moroccan Sahara

Boujdour bride Moroccan Sahara + great pictures

Boujdour or head Boujdour, known as the Portuguese Cabo Bojador is the Moroccan city belong to the point of Laayoune-Boujdour-Sakia El Hamra.

It constructed Boujdour in 1976 on the site Cap Boujdour, who was not only a beacon went ships and boat traffic through the traffic lights city on the front of the Atlantic Ocean, 180 kilometers south of the city of Laayoune located and since constructed, Boujdour witnessed the pace of development and the evolution is very high.
57000 Boujdour Province km² area the total population 12 946 inhabitants on the plateau region Saga (for Hamada). And not by the rugged terrain and many. Except sewer dug valleys, depressions and "marshes".
I knew Boujdour sophisticated demographic constant since the recovery of the desert regions (1975) to the present day. The up side of this medium-density to 1.26 inhabitants / km² in return, 37.80 inhabitants / km², at the national level. And it is considered among the most vulnerable densities in the country. The population growth is concentrated mainly in urban areas, particularly in Boujdour, which is strong in terms of urban equipment as a whole. Approximately 35% of the population are young people under the age of 15 years, and 61% are of working age (15-59 (The elderly) 60 years and older) Fimthelon 3.5%. Boujdour province is only 12.3%, density is estimated at 0.2 inhabitants / km².
Photos of Boujdour province:

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