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samedi 11 avril 2015

10 best tourist areas landscapes in Morocco

Kingdom of Morocco, a country of nature tourism and unique landscapes, Morocco benefited from its position in the African continent and its openness to the Mediterranean Sea and the membership of the Arab nation to be the host of many tourists from different races of the country. Arab country is characterized by the diversity of terrain between the mountains and the hills and seas made him a global tourist destination landscapes. So we will give you the 10 most important areas of the tourism landscape in Morocco.
The most beautiful tourist landscape areas in the Maghreb Ouzoud Falls in the village of Tanajmilt Azilal Province pin Ouzoud Falls in the village of Tanajmilt - Azilal Province
pin batuta blue city of Ifrane | Switzerland Morocco
The most beautiful tourist landscape areas in the Arab town of Ifrane, Morocco Morocco pin Switzerland National Park in Ifrane
Ovens or Switzerland Morocco tiny Mediterranean Mountains area is a magnet for tourists Bashlaladtha water green and scenic nature. Characterized ovens bitter cold and snow that covers the foothills of the mountains in the fall and winter and mild air in the summer and spring.
How to reach Ifrane? Orientation of the city started from the city of Fez, a taxi which cost about six dollars, as you can B into place.
pin batuta blue Eureka area | valleys and waterfalls in summer and winter
Tourism to the landscape in Morocco Eureka area valleys and waterfalls in summer and winter pin Eureka Valley Falls in Morocco
Characterized by the city of Eureka, located sixty miles from the city of Marrakech cold weather during the winter and summer, and fall of the High Atlas Mountains. Hot separation in Marrakech more than forty, but Eureka heat outside world, something that makes it a magnet for tourists during the day, days of the summer.
How to get to Eureka? To visit the area go to the station Mamounia in Marrakech, where public transport bus exist around $ or acquisition (rental) car, which cost about three dollars. Overnight advised refer to Marrakech because of cooler place.
pin batuta blue Ouzoud Falls | highest waterfalls
Ouzoud Falls, 190 km from the city of Marrakech in the Middle Atlas pin Ouzoud Falls charming in Morocco
Ouzoud Falls is located 190 km from the city of Marrakech in the Middle Atlas. And reflect Ouzoud Falls highest waterfalls in the North African continent. Waterfalls Sbebha derives from the river or spring. Waterfalls are the most visited area Azilal place is located near the green valleys of traditional mills and colorful gardens and fountains of River Falls slaves pregnant.
How to reach Ozord Falls? Present station door Doukkala Marrakech taxi that takes you to the strains at $ 8, and thigh overnight round trip to Marrakech. You can also B near waterfalls in Azilal.
pin batuta blue eyes or Spring | magic of nature
Eyes or spring located in the Atlas Mountains and the Mediterranean, thirty kilometers from the city of Palringo
Eyes pin or spring - aptly named
Eyes or spring located in the Atlas Mountains and the Mediterranean, thirty kilometers from the city of Palringo. The number of eyes river or spring to 47 in kind, including forty-kind sweet and salty seven eyes. Eyes fascinates tourists beauty of nature and views of waterfalls and water.
How to reach the eyes or spring? To go you can start from the city of Rabat in the direction of Palringo, the taxi will cost you about $ 12. You can also B into place or refer to Rabat to enjoy Bleilk.
pin batuta blue City Fatima | Witch Falls pin village of Fatima City at the end of the Eureka Valley
The city is located on after about an hour from the city of Marrakech. The area is characterized voice trickling water content in each place, which foretells Falls City Fatima brilliant. Landscapes unique, and you are upside Falls At the same time enjoy the sport of mountain climbing amid popular restaurants everywhere.
How to reach City Fatima? Many small buses are located in Marrakech, which takes place at a price of $ 5, or you can ride a taxi at about six dollars from the station Mamounia in Marrakech.
pin batuta blue dam Bin El Ouiden | Lake Water and rare birds
Bin El Ouiden dam area away from the city of Beni Mellal about sixty Iklmitr_752 x564
Bin El Ouiden dam area away from the city of Beni Mellal about sixty kilometers, which is normally a quiet place, located by Lake of the largest lakes in Morocco, a Dam Lake Bin El Ouiden. Location and topography is characterized Dvavh Ojrafh unique green forests, and its lake water that attract birds from all over the place.
How to reach dam Bin El Ouiden? Linking Beni Mellal many means of transport in Marrakech, bus trip cost about $ 7 and you can purchase a taxi at about $ 3 to go to the lake, and in the case of B refer to the city between Malal you are in many hotels.
pin batuta blue castle consisting | capital roses pin great blue roses growing on a wall in Morocco
Castle composed located on the southern slopes of the Atlas Mountains in the south of Morocco, the city is synonymous with the cultivation of roses and the annual tourism and cultural festival to celebrate the season of roses. The city is characterized by the magnificence of the mountains and cold climate in winter and moderate in the summer.
How to reach the castle made up? Your journey starts from Marrakech via the bus, which cost about $ 12. And B in the city Simitek identify unique world of Moroccan traditions.
pin batuta blue Demnate | wealth of geological
City famous for olive oil and the High Atlas Mountains are located. The city is rich in natural resources and geology of the most important cave Emin evry "mouth of the raid." Characterized by a natural cave architecture experiencing loss drops cold water from the roof and green plants and engineering rock that reflects the greatness of the Creator.
How to reach the city of Demnate? Dam Bin El Ouiden to go to the city is expensive trip from Marrakech at about $ 6 and you can B in the city.
pin batuta blue oasis of Zagora | charm deserts

Oasis Zakura_
pin spectacular view of the desert in Morocco Zagora
Oasis of Zagora is located in the southeast of the Kingdom of Morocco and is characterized by beautiful palm oases and unique views of the sand dunes that transport tourists from the world of civilization to the world of nature in the deserts and the beauty of towering palm trees. The city is located on the Anti-Atlas Mountains, which increases the charm and beauty of the magnificent landscapes.
How to reach the oasis of Zagora? To go to the city bus from Marrakech found about $ 15 in the case of traditional luxury B The hotels are available too.
pin batuta blue Chefchaouen | Mountains decorated with olive trees
pin batuta blue pin view of the beautiful city of Hvhun at the beginning of the Atlas Mountains
Chefchaouen city is characterized by a rainy climate, topography and geology have a significant role in the formation of a natural cover Gappoe and vegetarian. Resides in the city Mentzhin of the largest parks in Morocco and two Tlamstan Park, which runs on 60 thousand hectares, the park and the regional Bani Hashim, which extends over an area of ​​76 thousand hectares. Recreation feature stunning views of tourist bring tourists from different Bekaa. How to
How to reach the city of Chefchaouen? To go to the city draws from the city of Tangier bus at a cost of $ 6. B and the place is no doubt you will be able to identify the city and its traditions.

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