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mardi 14 avril 2015

Altamira Cave

What is the State in which the Altamira Cave

Altamira Altamira, a more accurate and thinner what made humans Kromaon. And manufactured in the Covenant Majdali in Europe in the year 16,000 BC.
Altamira Altamira archaeological cave near the village of Santillana del Mar in Santander Santander in northern Spanish region, discovered, in 1868 Marcelino de Sautula Marcelino de Sautuola. But did not know their importance only after several years of that date (1902). They date back to the Old Stone Age, about 150 m depth, and width varies between 5 and 15 m. Rummage in the cave Spanish researchers between the years 1875 and 1925. The most important thing was found technical drawings discovered in the front section and the back of a private cave, most notably the roof front of the cave, which carry a spectacle unique in its kind, is a colorful forms of American buffalo (bison) occupied an area of ​​about 100 m2 of the roof of the cave, which represents images of more than twenty Bisona In addition to antelope and Persians, pork and signals toothed forms intersecting boxes. This fee study, has led to show a certain correlation between specific types of animals, Kaltlazem between the Persians and the bison and the Mustang and Taurus, and the association between Almamot and bison and horse, as wild goat and doe deer appeared and there face reductant for human or animal, and geometric forms represent square lines and other . These forms have painted natural colors that have been prepared from the various rock types, especially black and red colors. Also carried out in a manner drilling, using fingers, reductive forms of animals and zigzag lines.
On the other hand excavations inside the cave revealed traces back to civilization Almustaria Mousterien, in the old East Stone Age, and the two civilizations »Alsolotria» Soloutrien and «Almagdlanah» Magdalenien top of the old Stone Age. The most important settlement in the cave stage is the stage Almagdlanah between about 15,000 and 10,000 years BC, which represents the pinnacle of evolution Arts Paleolithic. And at this stage, especially back, frescos that made this site one of the most important temples belonging to that era, and represented the peak of the development of art and beliefs, which appeared in other locations, in frenchify, on top of a cave «Lasko» Lascaux famous. Has been practiced in this cave religious rituals still Menkben researchers to study. It is believed some of them, especially Andre Leroy Goran ALGourhan, they indicate fertility, sex, and the continuation of the human species that have been expressed in the accompanying certain kinds of meanings of animals, especially the bull symbol of masculinity and femininity Persians code. It is noteworthy that there are other explanations for the Arts, which is believed to represent a magic rituals related to hunting and capture the required animals, while others see it as art, abstract art. Whatever the case, this art show society has distinct technical skills and has developed specific beliefs and social structure, although we are unable to grasp the truth of those beliefs college because of the absence of writing. It all makes of Altamira model for the first temples, and one of the most important sites prehistoric world.

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